25-249 Machine learning for instrument parameter estimation

  • Doctorat, 36 mois
  • Temps plein
  • Indifférent
  • Maitrise, IEP, IUP, Bac+4
  • Atmospheric Composition & Climate


Space remote sensing makes it possible to remotely measure the composition of the atmosphere thanks to its interaction with natural or artificial radiation. Indeed, the presence of molecules on the radiation path modifies the spectral content at frequencies characteristic of the various chemical elements. It is then possible to determine the concentration of different gases in an atmosphere column by comparing the measured spectral content with a radiative transfer model. Measurement accuracy is a critical component of mission performance.

The measurement instruments are high resolution spectrometers, whose spectral bands are centered around the characteristic frequencies of the gas to be observed. They comprise optical and electronic elements which can induce distortions and measurement errors. Superimposing on the distortions due to atmospheric gases, these instrument defects distort the measurement. It is thus fundamental to accurately characterize the instrument model and to take it into account correctly in the radiative transfer model.

The instruments are first characterized on the ground (e.g., thermal vacuum measurement campaigns), then at the beginning of their life in orbit (CAL/VAL phase), to validate the instrument and level 1 processing performance. Throughout their life in orbit, the quality of the products delivered to users is optimized by regular calibrations of instrument defects and by compensating for degradations due to ground / flight movements or aging.

Two research studies conducted in 2019 and 2021 with the French laboratory TeSA and supported by CNES have shown that it is possible to reconstruct accurately the Instrument Spectral Response Function (ISRF) by solving a linear inverse problem. This reconstruction is possible for a known input spectrum (available on ground or during flight calibrations) using the measurements. Then a thesis has been funded from 2022 with TeSA and TAS (2022-2025) in order to extend the scope of the study to the joint estimation of ISRF and radiometric or additional spectral defects. The results showed that with polynomial models of these defects, it is possible to solve the inverse problem by using model-based optimization algorithms, but with a huge CPU cost [1][2]. Using these model-based results as baseline, some recent investigation tests have been run that show that machine learning could be an interesting tool to save CPU time while preserving estimation accuracy and thus deserves to be more investigated.

The objectives of this PhD thesis are precisely to look for new methodologies based on machine learning for imperfection estimation when no a priori model is available, in order to improve the instrument knowledge, with expected benefits for both ground characterizations and flight calibration. Machine learning methods have recently succeeded in solving, with great precision, problems for which classical approaches had reached their limits. Schematically, machine learning aims at identifying the functional relationship between an input signal (e.g., input spectra, observable variables of an instrument) and an output signal (e.g., an ISRF, PSF, calibration parameters) from available examples (training data). The learnt relationship can be very complex and nonlinear. 

The objective of this thesis is thus to propose and study new models (based on machine learning) that address the above current limitations and make it possible to, e.g.,:

- model and calibrate the imperfections of an instrument [3],

- estimate instrument parameters from incomplete observations,

- compensate for uncertainty in the data or model [5],

- subsume temporal evolutions caused by movements, aging, seasonal effects [

In the blind inverse problem scenario (parameters / model partially unknown), this will require developing new inversion methods, using new learning strategies based on semi-supervised or unsupervised statistical learning. These will be applied to practical use cases provided by the CNES.

[1] J. El Haouari et al., Estimation of instrument spectral response functions using sparse representations in a dictionary, in Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Athens, Greece, Jul. 2024.

[2] J. El Haouari et al., Estimation of instrument spectral response functions in presence of radiometric errors, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conf.  (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, Aug. 2024.

[3] Zimmerman et al. A machine learning calibration model using random forests to improve sensor performance for lower-cost air quality monitoring. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 11.1(2018).

[4] Jia et al. Point spread function modelling for wide-field small-aperture telescopes with a denoising autoencoder. Notices Royal Astron. Soc.493.1(2020).

[5] Wu et al. Sensor Drift Compensation Using Robust Classification Method."Int. Conf. Neural Info. Proc.(2020).


For more Information about the topics and the co-financial partner (found by the lab !); 

contact Directeur de thèse - herwig.wendt@toulouse-inp.fr

Then, prepare a resume, a recent transcript and a reference letter from your M2 supervisor/ engineering school director and you will be ready to apply online  before March 14th, 2025 Midnight Paris time !


Image Processing, Signal Processing, Mathematics, Computer Science



Message from PhD team

More details on CNES website : https://cnes.fr/fr/theses-post-doctorats